26 - SSR, SPAs and PWAs/ClipID:9498 vorhergehender Clip nächster Clip

Die automatischen Untertitel, die mit Whisper Open AI in diesem Video-Player (und im Multistream-Video-Player) generiert werden, dienen der Bequemlichkeit und Barrierefreiheit. Es ist jedoch zu beachten, dass die Genauigkeit und Interpretation variieren können. Für mehr Informationen lesen Sie bitte die FAQs (Absatz 14)
Aufnahme Datum 2018-09-13


Webkongress Erlangen 2018


Marco Otte-Witte






Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE)


Externe Einrichtungen




SSR recap – what is it, how does it work?

* send pre-rendered vs. empty document
* improving perceived performance
* Giving non-JS clients something they can work with (e.g. Twitter Cards etc.)

Typical problems

* jQuery obviously not available
* => problems with SSR mostly caused by bad patterns (e.g. jQuery)
* Relying on `localStorage`/`sessionStorage` => move to cookie

Disabling interaction on the pre-rendered document

* Simple case is to disable complete document => result often not great
* Better:
* selectively disable elements that require app to run
* Render them in a loading state (signals the user “this is still setting up”)
* Some elements are functional without a running app already
* Some things can be moved to CSS

Advanced patterns

* Lazy load in the client, bundle everything in SSR as bundle size does not matter much there (e.g. translations)
* Push data in the sandbox (e.g. translations, model data etc.)
* Render differently in SSR/client (e.g. inline SVG in SSR, use image tag in browser)
* Never require SSR to work (fallback to serving non-SSR on SSR errors)

how does this relate to PWAs

* Works well together:
* App frame is fine but app frame + SSR is better
* This can be combined – render app frame first, then put in SSR once available, while app still loads

Whether SSR worth it depends on case though

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